Small hole electric discharge machine

Nozzle hole electric discharge machine

Space-saving 5-axis nozzle hole electric discharge machine MH6/MH8



・Space saving by connecting 1 unit up to a maximum of 4 units.
・Ideal for medical nozzles and engine injection nozzles.

table dimensionsφ160
number of heads1
Number of connections1
W-axis (guide vertical)150 mm
Z-axis (electrode up/down)200 mm


Slim body ideal for small parts requiring 5 axes

table dimensionsφ160
number of heads1
Number of connections2
W-axis (guide vertical)150 mm
Z-axis (electrode up/down)200 mm


It is a model with a slim body that saves space and allows flexible layouts.

table dimensionsφ160
number of heads2
Number of connections1
W-axis (guide vertical)150 mm
Z-axis (electrode up/down)200 mm


By connecting two MH8 units, even more space saving is realized.

table dimensionsφ160
number of heads2
Number of connections2
W-axis (guide vertical)150 mm
Z-axis (electrode up/down)200 mm